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Parish team

Clergy - Rev'd Paul Woolley

Licensed Lay Reader - Ginny Schleihauf

Licensed Lay Reader - Bill Graham

Rector's Warden - John Hayter   519-384-1926

People's Warden - Sheree Lynn Hayter   1-519-245-7490

Deputy Rector's Warden - Ginny Schleihauf  519-312-2297

Deputy People's Warden - Tom Brown  519-402-3357

Treasurer - Carol Spence  519-312-5371

Secretary/Office - Karen McBride   519-344-9531

Envelope Secretary - Carol Spence   519-312-5371

Lay Delegate to Synod - Susan Memedovich  519-495-5979

Alternate Lay Delegate to Synod - Karen McBride

Rector's Reps - Carol Mercurio, Carol Spence

People's Reps - Nancy Dease, Carol Turner


The Parish Team are members of Parish Council which meets on the 3rd Wednesday of each month, from September to June.


Music Director - Dorothy Miller


Custodians -  Sylvia, A&B Janitorial


Chancel Guild - Seonaid Laidlaw    last Wednesday monthly at 10am


ACW/Ladies Guild - Carol Mercurio    first Monday monthly at noon


Flower Convenor - Seonaid Laidlaw

Brotherhood of Anglican Churchmen - John Hayter

Ways and Means Committee - John Hayter

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